Austine Dieto

Austine has vast experience having served in a Senior Administrative capacity in the National Government. He has wealth of knowledge in coordination of public service delivery and spearheading National Government agenda on a wide range of policy domain, his experience in leadership cuts across various segments, namely;  Security Coordination; Peace building/Conflict resolution; disaster management; mobilization of resources for development; overseeing implementation of national government development projects; interpretation and dissemination of national government policies.  He has served as a Chair and/or an alternate member to various sectoral committees at County Level.  He has also spearheaded special national assignments, namely: Census Sub-County Coordination, Huduma Namba exercise, kazi mtaani program, among others.  He currently serves as a test developer with the Kenya School of Government (KSG) examining National Government Administrative Officers on Socio-economic and Entrepreneurship Development.

He holds a Master of Arts in Sociology (with a bias in Community Development and Project Management) and a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Sociology. He was honoured to be a recipient of a research grant by the Association of African Universities for his Master’s programme, thereby demonstrating his ability to attract funding for research. He has demonstrated academic excellence as evidenced by his numerous qualifications. He has attended a host of professional trainings in Governance and Administration, Financial Accounting, Social Research Analysis, Strategic planning, Project Leadership and Governance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Disaster, Peace and Security Management.  He is currently pursuing a Diploma in Human Resource Management.

He holds a professional membership with the Kenya Institute of Management (KIM), the African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM), Association of Community Development Practitioners-Kenya (ACDP-K) and a Gold member of the Kenya Institute of Social Work (KISW).  He is also a life member of the Kenya Red Cross Society.  He has published a number of academic articles on cross cutting socio-economic development issues.  He has also attended several International Conferences that have greatly contributed to policy development at both national and international spectrum.

He is further endowed with effective communication skills applicable in public speaking, coaching and mentorship as well as advocacy. He has been a convener of several public policy forums and has also nurtured quite a number of community-based organizations in pursuit of social development in diverse cultural environment.