Factors you must take into consideration when initiating a major change program in an organization.

Organizational Culture: This refers the pattern of behavior that the actors within the organization have adopted over a period of time. The culture that the organization as embedded over time is what holds an organization together. Organizational culture, even though distinct from the code of conduct, greatly influences how employees relate with one another in the organizational set up. A change agent is therefore supposed to assess the organizational culture and find a way of aligning the expected change output with the part of the organizational culture that is constructive.

Organization Structure: An organization structure provides the framework for authority, responsibility and relationships in an organization. It clarifies who is to supervise whom and who is responsible to whom. It serves as the basis of inter-personal relationships between the superiors and the subordinates and the peers.  The organizational structure can either be centralized or decentralized depending on the importance that the management places on their junior staff. As a change agent it is important to consider the organizational structure before and during the implementation of the change management strategy.

Communication Strategy: Coming up with a communication strategy is very important when one wants to execute a change. There should always be a two-way communication in the organization so that the employees know what is going on and react to it. This will go a long way in ensuring that the change attracts minimal resistance since everyone owns the process.

Involvement of Stakeholders: In order to accomplish change and implement change strategies, it is important to ensure involvement of people or staff of the company since such changes affects them in one way or the other. Before adopting a certain position the change agent must first figure out why the change is needed in the first place and the extent to which such changes benefit the stakeholders.

Model/Approach to be applied: Change Management cannot just be implemented through vague approaches but should involve empirically proven methods. The change agent therefore has to deploy relevant methods and try to focus on a suitable plan of action.

Competence and capability as a change agent Change management requires expertise to turnaround the fortunes of the organization. The change agent must therefore possess the requisite qualifications to enable him make informed decision in the process of implementation of change.
